Technische Universität München Robotics and Embedded Systems

People Tracking in the Coffee-Break Scenario

Type BA, DA, MA
Supervisor Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alois Knoll
Advisor Dr.-Ing. Giorgio Panin
Research Area CoTeSys
Associated Project ITrackU
Programming Language C++
Required Skills C++ programming, Image Processing and Computer Vision
Useful Knowledge Multi-target tracking, Middleware platforms (ICE, YARP, etc.), Distributed computing


A Diploma/Master thesis is available within the CoTeSys excellence cluster: tracking people with a distributed, multi-camera system.

The work environment (see also the picture below) consists in a large multi-camera array (40 Ethernet cameras), shared among a distributed system of 15 PCs for people tracking from the top of a living room, which has been called the Coffee Break demonstration scenario (see also here).

In this scenario the first release of our OpenTL library will be used: this is a general-purpose object tracking library, fully developed at our Chair, that deals with possibly multiple objects, sensors and visual modalities.

Different tasks are involved in this work, which involves also the Chair for Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Informatik IX):

The system setup is provided at the CCRL (CoTeSys Central Robotics Laboratory), near the old faculty campus in Arcistrasse.

For more information, please write to:

Coffee_break.jpg Netzwerkstruktur.jpg


Please refer to our Lectures on Model-based Visual Tracking.