Veranstalter |
Dr.-Ing. Gerhard Schrott |
Modul |
IN0012 IN2106 IN8903 |
Typ |
Bachelorpraktikum, Masterpraktikum oder Praktikum im Bereich Technische Informatik |
Semester |
SS 2012 |
10.0 |
6 |
Zeit & Ort |
starts on 05 March and ends by 30 March at the latest, Mon. - Fri., 10:00 to 17:00 |
in Garching Hochbrück, Parkring 13 |
Schein |
erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Praktikum |
Bis zum 5. März ist Herr Schrott im Urlaub.
Für Kontaktaufnahme bitte mail an Sören Jentzsch
Per Email an Dr.-Ing.
Gerhard Schrott. Ihre Email sollte fogende Daten enthalten:
- Name
- Vorname
- Matrikelnummer
- Semester
- Studienrichtung (Bachelor, Master, Diplom)
- Schwerpunkt
The current RoboCup core team members (3 MSc Informatics students) will be your main advisors during the praktikum. In the first week, in order to get comfortable with the C++ Robotino API, introductory exercises will be given (accessing sensors and actuators, odometry, etc.). The following three weeks every group (2 to 3 people) will work on a small project on its own. The projects mentioned here are of special interest for us, because of their relevance for the RoboCup 2012. However, we are flexible regarding the projects themselves (you can also suggest a project) and clearly the scope of the projects can/will be adapted so that they are feasible within the praktikum's time limit and your abilities. For additional knowledge that you might require to solve your particular project (e.g. how to calibrate a camera using OpenCV), we can point you to resources but lastly you would have to acquire this knowledge yourself (e.g. second week theoretical research, third+fourth week implementation and testing). However, for questions and support we will always be available and assist you.
The Logistics League is a relatively new competition establishing a steady flow of goods in a simulated production facility. You can find more information about the RoboCup, the Logistics League, the robot platform on this
Since we clearly want to defend our world champion title this year, we have to further improve our solution, thus having many interesting challenges that need to be tackled. Among them are:
- ROS integration & evaluation
- Hard realtime behavior using RTAI Threads (problems with ROS?)
- Advanced camera calibration and transformation: image coord. <-> camera coord. <-> robot-coord.
- Advanced trajectory planning and control
- Reactive motion generation for incorporating dynamic obstacle avoidance
- Evaluation of new sensors (Kinect, laserscanner,
- Evaluation of graphical state machines with automated code generation (e.g. Matlab Stateflow?)
- Rewrite inter-robot communication to use the Boost.Serialization library